E-Commerce Platform Using React, GraphQL and django

E-Commerce Platform Using React, GraphQL and django

Everything you need to launch your next e-commerce store.


Saleor is a rapidly-growing open source e-commerce platform that has served high-volume companies from branches like publishing and apparel since 2012. Based on Python and Django, the latest major update introduces a modular front end powered by a GraphQL API and written with React and TypeScript.


  • PWA: End users can shop offline for better sales and shopping experiences
  • GraphQL API: Access all data from any web or mobile client using the latest technology
  • Headless commerce: Build mobile apps, customize storefronts and externalize processes
  • UX and UI: Designed for a user experience that rivals even the top commercial platforms
  • Dashboard: Administrators have total control of users, processes and products
  • Orders: A comprehensive system for orders, dispatch and refunds
  • Cart: Advanced payment and tax options, with full control over discounts and promotions
  • Payments: Flexible API architecture allows integration of any payment method. Comes with Braintree support out of the box.
  • :earth_asia: Geo-adaptive: Automatic localized pricing. Over 20 local languages. Localized checkout experience by country.
  • :mag: SEO: Packed with features that get stores to a wider audience
  • :cloud: Cloud: Optimized for deployments using Docker
  • :bar_chart: Analytics: Server-side Google Analytics to report e-commerce metrics without affecting privacy

🤘 Vue.js : front-end framework 🔧 Vue-cli : standard tooling for vue.js development 🔁 Vuex : state management 💾 Firestore : cloud NoSQL Database 🏠 Firebase hosting : fast and secure web hosting 👤 Firebase authentication : for easy authentication 📱 PWA : progressive web app support 💄 Prettier : code formatting rules 🚨 Eslint : control code quality ✅ Jest : unit testing ✅ Cypress : e2e testing 🔍 Vue head : meta description per page 📄 prerender spa plugin : pages prerendering 💚 circleci : continuous integration/deployment đŸ“Ļ bundlesize : control your javascript bundles sizes App Features

👤 Google authentication 📴 Offline support (dynamic & static caching) 🆕 New version available prompt on new app deployments ➕ Add to home screen prompt for ios & android ↩ī¸ Smart redirection for auth protected routes ✨ Products page example to demonstrate app data management with firestore and vuex đŸ’Ē Better PWA support for all browsers with PW

import { Observable } from 'rxjs'

const observable = new Observable(subscriber => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000);



Saleor requires Python 3.6+, Node.js 10.0+, PostgreSQL and OS-specific dependency tools.

See the Saleor docs for step-by-step installation and deployment instructions.


Want to see Saleor in action?

View Storefront | View Dashboard (admin area)

Or launch the demo on a free Heroku instance.


Login credentials: admin@example.com/admin

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